HTZ's campaign wins for Best Use of Social Media
Croatian Tourist Board is this year's winner of the City Nation Place Award in the category "Best use of social media" for their #SuperBowlCroatia Twitter campaign, HTZ reports in their press release.
The City Nation Awards were given out in 4 categories on November 5, 2015, in London in a conference for 150 representatives of government officials, investors, tourism industry professionals and destination management experts.
HTZ's #SuperBowlCroatia campaign was created for this year's NFL final, and the ward was given for their exceptional use of social media in tourism promotion. HTZ was nominated along with Tourism Australia,, Travel Manitoba and Onlynalon.
"We are pleased to see that the effort of our team was recognised by the industry. Our team promptly reacted to a great marketing opportunity and took advantage of the fact that both coaches in the largest sports event in the US are of Croatian descent. They came up with a Super Bowl campaign that promotes Croatia as a tourist destination. We don't have to remind you of the cost of advertising during the Super Bowl and Croatia emerged as one of the biggest hidden stars of this spectacle and gained massive attention" said the director of the Head Office of the Croatian Tourist Board.