
Dubrovnik Will Get an ACI Marina with Cultural Heritage

By 10 November 2016

ACI marina Dubrovnik Komolac will become the only marina on the Adriatic that has a cultural heritage of high value in their property, thanks to a grant from EU funds for the Project Skala, a renovation project of Ljetnikovac Sorkočević (summer house of Petar Sorkočević). reports that ACI has approved 2.7 million kuna, or about 80 percent of the total cost of preparing the documentation for the "implementation of the integrated development program based on the restoration of cultural heritage," and plans to sign and finance the continuation of the project, reveals ACI. Partners in the project include Dubrovnik's regional center for community building and civil society development - DESA, and the Croatian Conservation Institute. Ljetnikovac Sorkočević is a summer residence with a garden that was built in the late 16th century. It is the largest villa complex in the region, and one of the most complex constructions.


The summer house is one of numerous summer residences of Dubrovnik's nobility which were built in Komolac at the time of the Dubrovnik Republic, but that so far has not been culturally evaluated. The property is registered in the registrar of Cultural Assets, and is located on the right side of the River Ombla. It is a monumental country house with a garden, grounds, ground floor, walkway system and pergola, and four central garden figures with garden-building elements, and a pond.


"The project includes reconstruction of the summer house and its landscaping. In the area of ​​the castle, it is planned to open a museum, a school of traditional crafts, and new souvenir shops as well as ones which will sell tools used in the Renaissance period. The plan is to renovate and construct restaurants and the reconstruction of the park around summer house. The project aims to create a new cultural tourism destination in Komolac for cultural heritage and identity the Dubrovnik area exploits in tourism and economic terms,” explained ACI. Within the project of renovation and reconstruction of the summer house, the whole would be branded as a cultural destination and tourist attraction for Komolac, City of Dubrovnik and the Dubrovnik-Neretva County.


After the reconstruction, the dilapidated summer house and its environment will establish new facilities such as the Renaissance Festival, various concerts, poetry readings and similar cultural and tourist events, which will enrich the destination offering for new cultural and tourist services. "With the implementation of the integrated program, ACI will receive a high unique new offering in its portfolio, and the marina Dubrovnik, Komolac will become the only marina on the Adriatic which has a cultural heritage of high value in their property that is sustainably managed," concludes ACI.
