
Ministry of Tourism Proposes Expanding Robinson Crusoe Tourism Offer

By 13 June 2017

Perhaps a new way to extend the season?

Because it is important to create additional offers at Croatia's many destinations, as well as to cater to the needs of contemporary tourists who are increasingly striving to spend their holidays in different, simpler, relaxed and unique ways in nature, the Ministry of Tourism has proposed amendments to the Ordinance on the Classification and Categorization of Facilities that would enable the so-called "Robinson accommodation” in family farms (OPGs) and households, announced MINT on June 12, 2017. 

Thus far, this type of accommodation has only been possible in rural areas using registered companies and accommodation facilities. The proposed amendments will extend the accommodation offer to urban areas and other providers of housing in the tourism industry.

“The creation of new products for Robinson accommodation in unusual conditions creates the framework to enrich the offer for specific market groups. Apart from the fact that the creation of additional and diverse accommodation offers will strengthen the competitiveness of a particular destination, these amendments to the ordinance will enable individuals, households, and family farms to generate additional business income. Most importantly, this will also encourage the self-employment of innovative, young and creative people,” said the Minister of Tourism Gari Cappelli, who added that the aim of these proposed amendments is to adapt to the modern needs of today's tourists.

According to the proposed changes, objects can be placed in urban and rural areas, with or without connections to infrastructure systems. Accommodation can be provided in tents, rooms or spaces that are made from local and natural materials and natural resources (old houses made of stone or wood, huts of reeds or twigs, rocks, etc.). Accommodations will also be allowed on premises and spaces that have unusual shapes or are situated under the ground, on pillars, wood, water, rocks, and more. Accommodations will not be allowed in containers or mobile homes.

The proposed modifications create new and attractive holiday destinations for all those who want to experience a unique and more relaxed vacation. 
