
Dolphin Calves Spotted by the Western Shore of Silba

By 29 June 2017

There have been frequent sightings of dolphins in the Lošinj Archipelago during the past two weeks, more specifically of mother dolphins and their calves, reports the Blue World Institute from Veli Lošinj on its Facebook page.

We bring you the full statement and photos taken by the team of experts and volunteers working for the Blue World Institute:

"We noticed small fins of the newborn calves awkwardly sufarcing along the two female dolphins which we know very well - Anna and Lovra, swimming together in a large group along the western shore of Silba island. We also spotted Jeff and her many calves all together, which was particulary interesting to us! Jeff and her baby were swimming along two of Jeff's other young calves from 2011 and 2013, who are now fully-grown. It was a real pleasure to observe the whole family swimming together.This encounter delighted our eco-volunteers from far Malesia who, for the first time in their lives, watched dolphins in their natural environment. They were also very helpful and collected valuable scientific data. This was indeed a very unique experience for them, as can be seen in the photos we'd like to share with you!"








By sharing this lovely story with everyone, The Blue World Institute invites you to celebrate the 25th Dolphin Day in Veli Lošinj this weekend. This year also marks the 30th anniversary of the Adriatic Dolphin Project, the longest ongoing research of a resident population of bottlenose dolphins carried out by the BWI. For this special occasion, the Blue World Institue is preparing 2 days of interesting events. On Friday 30th of June, you can enjoy interesting lectures about the Adriatic Dolphin Project, the Sea Turtles and the implementation of the LIFE Euroturtles project, along with documentary film screening and the exhibition of designer jewelry made from the recycled material. On Saturday, July 1st, there will be more interesting exhibitions, art workshop, educational games for kids, treasure hunt game swimming competition, polo tournament and a concert by Rundek Cargo Trio.

For more information about the event, click here or visit the Blue World Institute’s Facebok page.

Source: Naši Školji
