
Regatta Dedicated to Renata and Joža Horvat to Take Place on Lastovo in September

By 26 August 2017

It might have taken a long time to organise, but all the efforts proved to be worth it in the end: the first regatta dedicated to Renata and Joža Horvat, two legendary adventurers, will soon take place on Lastovo.

The island of Lastovo will host the open regatta called the Renata & Joža Horvat Cup on September 16. Apart from honouring the respected couple, the idea for this new manifestation was conceived to support the remote Croatian islands and show that life doesn't stop once the tourists have left.

Renata and Joža Horvat, now both departed, used to be one of the best known married couples on the coast. Joža, an experienced seafarer and writer, was accompanied by his wife on all of his travels. In 1955, together they built their first boat, named it the Wanderer and sailed around the Adriatic for the next eight years. The urge to explore the open seas reached beyond the borders of the local waters, so they set off for a journey around the world in 1965, returning two years later.

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The Horvat family has a turbulent and fascinating history, composed of amazing feats and terrible personal tragedies in equal measure, and we'll make sure to introduce you to their legacy in the coming days. Until then, follow the news on the upcoming regatta here, and take a look at the following announcement from the Sailing Club Lastovo:

Dear friends of Lastovo island, dear participants of our first regatta Renata & Joža Horvat Cup. After a year and a half of preparations, we can finally come out with an announcement and the invitation to the regatta, one that has three important elements apart from the sports factor. First of all, it's meant as a token of good will and support for the population of Lastovo, its survival and development, as well as education and promotion of sports and the history of sailing on our island. Secondly, it's a sign of respect for the outstanding Horvat family: Renata, Jože, Radovan – Mićo, and Marko. And to finish, it marks the launch of a lively sailing club that aims to become a second home for experienced captains and ship crews, and enable everyone to hang out together. We want to welcome everyone who can appreciate our extraordinary kind of sea lovers. Now, it's time for silence, one that we will break at sunset on September 15, 2017. We'll be waiting for you, dear captains, as well as your crews and your brave ships. We'll welcome you with a lot of respect, attention, and love. Let this day be one of the most beautiful days in recent history of the heart of the Mediterranean – Lastovo island!

Secretary of the Sailing Club Lastovo, Tomislav Pavleka

