
How Will Croatians Travel in 2018? Investigates

By 27 November 2017

From taking trips to far-away destinations to exploring the hidden gems of Croatia, here's how Croatians will travel in 2018., one of the world's leading travel sites with an incredible amount of accommodation facilities available, has researched 19,000 travelers from 26 countries, including Croatia, to discover what passengers expect most from their accommodation during their 2018 holiday. 

So, how will Croatians choose to travel next year? investigates, and HRTurizam reports on November 27, 2017.'s research has shown that more than half of the respondents from Croatia (61%) plan to take multiple trips in 2018 compared to 2017. The popularity of holiday homes will continue to increase in the coming year, and more than half of Croatian travelers (49%) prefer to stay in private accommodations such as holiday homes or apartments rather than hotels. Just over a quarter (27%) will consider adding their accommodation facility to the booking website.

Considering that a quarter of Croatian travelers (26%) believe flights to far-away destinations are in their favor, it is no surprise that the desire to travel in 2018 will grow. 16% of travelers from Croatia believe it is easier to find and book more exotic destinations, and almost half of Croatian travelers (49%) say they will travel to an even further destination in 2018 than they did in 2017. Even so, the desire of passengers to visit more destinations will strengthen in 2018, with as many as 70% of Croatian travelers wanting to visit as many destinations as possible and 34% wanting to be more adventurous.

While travel to distant destinations will continue to grow, in 2018, a large number of passengers will choose destinations closer to home - with half of Croatian travelers (50%) planning more trips within the country in the upcoming year. This enthusiasm for a holiday within the country is based on the fact that a large number of passengers (36%) believe that domestic travel is preferred, and more than half of Croatian travelers (60%) believe that there are still so many beautiful destinations in Croatia they can visit. 

Another critical factor is the possibility of taking multiple trips. One in three Croatian travelers (37%) considers that two or three shorter journeys are better than one long trip to a distant destination. More than half of Croatian travelers (63%) intend to take more weekend trips in 2018 than in 2017.

The purpose of taking an annual holiday in 2018 will not only be to see new places but to create experiences and explore things like the local population, which will be a crucial factor in attracting travelers. With that said, independent accommodation facilities are becoming increasingly popular as they give passengers greater flexibility and the freedom to navigate and explore each destination in the most authentic way.

Research also shows the following:

- Apart from independent holiday homes and apartments, breakfast accommodations, all-inclusive resorts and hotels are among the top four types of accommodations where travelers will likely stay in 2018.

- Travelers are becoming increasingly eco-conscious; almost half of the respondents from Croatia (45%) plan to choose more environmentally friendly options than they did in 2017.

- Four out of ten travelers from Croatia (43%) plan to stay in accommodation they have not used before.

When it comes to what travelers expect within the price of the accommodation facility, 40% of Croatian travelers want free Wi-Fi, and 38% want a place with a beautiful view. Given that travelers are increasingly food-focused, almost one-third of Croatian travelers (30%) will look for quality local food, 29% of Croatian travelers are interested in a variety of food, and a quarter (25%) consider free parking to be essential. 

How will you travel in 2018?

Translated from HRTurizam
