
Seaplane Sagas in Croatia: Now Meet Split Air, the Original Version

By 19 March 2018

March 19, 2018 - A little like London buses, you wait for ages for one and then three come along at the same time. Hours after we wrote about Split Air, the seaplane company with a website registered in Panama, meet Split Air, the original version, based in Sinj and offering some rather fabulous things. 

Monday is always a funny day in the TCN office - a pile of things that have to be done, lots of communications by email to deal with. And some rather unusual leads. 

Such as the new company, Split Air, which has a website live (registered in Panama five days ago) stating that they will be offering both regular and seaplane flights from Split from June 28. Read the earlier article here.

And then, just as I am sipping my second coffee of the morning, along comes another company called... Split Air, offering flying services. 

Unlike our fly-by-night Panama operation, this second Split Air company had a functioning website, Facebook page, contact details and a phone number, based in Sinj. With a seaplane connection as well, as it is run by pilot Ivan Raos, who used to fly for European Coastal Airlines. 

It seems rather an unusual coincidence that a company planning to offer seaplane flights from Split would take the same name as the company started by Raos, and I assume there is more to the story than meets the eye. But rather than speculate on that, a quick look at the original Split Air company shows rather a wonderful addition to the Dalmatian tourism scene. The site is not completely finished yet, but it is definitely one to follow, for Split Air (the original) is already offering aerial surveys, aerial photography, panoramic flights and skydiving, all of which will be run out of the airfield of Sinj, a short drive north of Split. You can check out the original Split Air website here. Or follow them on Facebook.

Ivan Raos has kindly agreed to an interview about his new business, which we will be happy to publish once completed. 

As for the Split Air seaplane service claiming flights from June 28, time will tell. 

Tagged under: split sinj
