
Harry Potter Week to Dust Zadar With a Dash of Magic

April 8, 2018 - Craving some magic in your life? Head to Zadar: Harry Potter Week returns with another edition later in April

Growing older doesn't necessarily imply growing up, right? There's no need for a responsible, independent adult individual to lose their childlike curiosity, their fondness for enchanting stories and beloved fictional characters that left a mark on our youth. Certain book series and film franchises have held tight to their cult status for decades owing to this very reason. We simply refuse to let go of imaginary worlds that have, in a way, shaped us into people we are today. Parallel dimensions, offering both thoughtful advice and much-needed comfort, an escape from reality we all yearned for during our turbulent teenage and adolescent years.

As I wrote once before, the Harry Potter series was one such world, one of the most influential works of fiction where my generation is considered. And while the last book came out a long time ago, all of us getting our coveted epilogue, the magic has stuck around ever since. Our books, read and re-read dozens of times, their spines barely holding the pages in place; films, watched on so many occasions, we know all the lines by heart. It's no surprise some of the original fans have been coming up with new ways to keep the story alive, passing the love down to younger generations who are yet to get acquainted with this magical realm.


The students of Information Sciences at the University of Zadar launched a pretty cool project in 2014: Harry Potter Week, a manifestation devised with a wish to introduce children to the world of Harry Potter, all the while providing us elderly Potterheads with a fix of magic we never stop craving. Each year, the students create various workshops, quizzes and games to bring the story to life: there's a Hogwarts house sorting ceremony, followed by Quidditch matches, a magic wands workshop, and a Harry Potter pub quiz. This year, the participants will also have a chance to take part in a Potions workshop and a weekly prize contest.


Since the project was first launched, it has continued to attract numerous associates and sponsors such as Algoritam and Ljevak publishing houses,, and the Here Be Dragons Fantasy shop. This time around, the publishing house Fraktura and the bookstore chain Hoću Knjigu are joining the ranks, providing attractive prizes for the participants - books, of course, encouraging the youngsters to nurture their love of reading. Oh, and to make sure everybody walks away with some sweet memories, Tortica Zadar will provide some delicious desserts.


There's nothing left to do but to save the date: this year's Harry Potter Week will take place from the 23rd to the 28th of April in Zadar City Library. Time to start planning a visit to Dalmatia - after all, what better season is there for magic, if not spring?


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