
'Here Be Dragons' Geeks Launch Contest After Croatian Chaplain Claims

By 25 April 2019

April 25, 2019 - A rather unusual take on Harry Potter by a Catholic chaplain in Croatia has led to a contest by leading geek shop Here Be Dragons in Zagreb.

I am really not sure where to start with this one. Perhaps at the beginning, or at least somewhere before the present. 

The relationship between Croatia and the Catholic Church has always been close, and with a billion kuna a year allocated in the national budget for the church, it is a relationship which is not uncontroversial. 

And not unusual. 

The year is 2017, and the Health Minister of Croatia gave an unusual endorsement of health professionals, declaring that 'one priest is worth more than 20 surgeons.' Health Minister Milan Kujundzic continues in his position today. 

There have been some rather unusual stories about statements from Catholic priests and chaplains since, but today, a new angle, as Croatian media reported earlier today, university student chaplain Damir Stojic offered his thoughts on how Harry Potter undermines faith and should not be allowed in schools.


Leading geek merch shop, Here Be Dragons, whose Enchanted Village at Fuliranje has been one of the hits of Advent in Zagreb in recent years, was quick to respond. The geek store, which has outlets in Zagreb and Split as well as online, announced a contest, with a Draco Malfoy wand as the prize. 

The challenge? To post a comment below the link to the article about the chaplain's comments. The winner is the post with the most likes. 


Think you are in with a chance? Post your comment


The story has posted a host of other memes and threads, including this photo of the prominent Erste Banka promotional campaign - Our Country Needs People Who Believe in Themselves, which has been changed to Our Country Needs People Who Believe in Jesus. 

