
What's Open in Dubrovnik this Winter? Tourist Board Announces Restaurant Promotion

By 23 November 2019

November 23, 2019 - The Dubrovnik Tourist Board is working to keep the city alive this winter with new promotional activities for restaurants. 

HRTurizam writes that given the increasing number of international and domestic flights during the winter months and the interest and growth in visitors, the Dubrovnik Tourist Board is preparing promotional activities and printing a monthly "Winter restaurants" leaflet this winter, containing a list of open restaurants, pizzerias, and fast food spots during the month of December. The brochure will include special working hours, to ensure that guests staying in Dubrovnik are as informed as possible and that outdoor restaurants are better promoted during the offseason. 

During the 2019/2020 winter season, Dubrovnik will be connected to seven international destinations: Croatia Airlines-Frankfurt, British Airways-London, Vueling-Rome and Barcelona, LOT-Warsaw, Aegean Airlines-Athens, and Turkish Airlines-Istanbul.

Aiming for better cooperation with restaurants and better available information, the Dubrovnik Tourist Board has invited all owners of restaurants, pizzerias and fast food to email them by Tuesday, 26 November by 3:00 pm, with their opening dates and opening hours during December, especially on Christmas Day, Christmas, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. They should also include their contact by phone, web, or Facebook page and if they have any special offers available. 

This year, the City of Dubrovnik decided to reduce the public area for restaurant tables and chairs by 10% for all facilities that use 25,00 m2 or more. Furthermore, the lease term of public areas has increased to 5 years, which will undoubtedly bring some security to catering businesses. 

Also, in an effort to prolong the tourist season, the City of Dubrovnik has proposed a measure that should encourage owners of restaurants in the historic core to work in the winter months.

In accordance with the new amendments to the Decision on the lease of public spaces in Article 6, a new paragraph on the rent exemption for caterers in the Old Town has been added if caterers operate in the winter months.

The measure refers to rent exemption for public areas of caterers predominantly serving meals (restaurants, taverns, pizzerias) in the historic core, if they carry on their business from December 1, 2019, to February 29, 2020.

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