February 13, 2020 - The Kazbek Hotel in Dubrovnik is the first Croatian hotel to join the global cage-free initiative, eliminating chickens that produce cage eggs from its supply chain.
HRTurizam reports that Kazbek Hotel stands alongside the world's leading hotel names such as Hilton, Best Western, Marriott International, and thus places the ethical dimension of the company's business in parallel with its economic policy.
“We are inviting hotels and all the companies that use eggs in their supply chain to contact us for more information on how to offer their guests even more valuable services - an awareness that sustainable and socially responsible business is the only acceptable business in the 21st century,” said Zrinka Kosta of the Pobjeda Association.
In social, ethical and environmental terms, raising animal welfare standards is becoming an increasingly visible component of CSR in the 21st century. Intending to make this part of the socially responsible practices of Croatian companies, the Pobjeda Association, a Croatian association for the protection and promotion of animal rights, has joined the global coalition of cage-free eggs - or the Open Wing Alliance - and is actively working to inform companies and the public.
This kind of public commitment is part of corporate social responsibility and many of the world's leading companies such as Nestle, Danone, Unilever, McDonald's, Burger King, Tesco, Aldi, Metro C&C, Lidl, Barilla, Mars have incorporated a cage-free statement into their responsible business policies.
“We believe that choosing a more socially acceptable business practice for both animals and the expectations of the clients who support them is a very desirable determinant of ethical business operations in the 21st century. In cooperation with companies, we also work steadily on the largest political campaign for animals used in the food industry - the European Citizens' Initiative 'End The Cage Age', whose ultimate goal is to ban cage breeding. By combining the takeover of the cage-free business model and political lobbying in the EU Parliament, we will surely reach that goal,” concludes Kosta.
It is clear that any such initiative is an opportunity for OPGs from the continent and small breeders who can reach customers through clusters as the need for free-range eggs will increase thanks to such initiatives. A good example is the Agro-cluster of Vukovar-Srijem County, which brands free-range eggs and offers cooperation with the tourism sector.
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