
City of Trogir Announces Guidelines and Recommendations for Coronavirus Crisis

By 16 March 2020

March 16, 2020 - Given the development of the COVID-19 virus spreading, following the instruction of the Civil Protection Staff of Split-Dalmatia County and the conclusions of the Civil Protection Headquarters of the City of Trogir on March 12, 2020, the Mayor of Trogir Ante Bilić passed a decision, which we are transmitting in its entirety.

1.) It is recommended that all citizens of the City of Trogir make the least possible use of the services of the Health Center - Trogir Branch to preserve the integrity of the medical system and to unnecessarily expose themselves and other risks of transmission of the infection. In case of symptoms of respiratory illness (cough, sneezing, sore throat, fever, shortness of breath), consult a doctor of your choice. In case of emergency, call 112 or epidemiologist for the City of Trogir on 0911512021.

2.) Institutions owned by the City of Trogir, the Tourist Board of the City of Trogir will not organize direct work until further notice.

Temporary closure of the permanent exhibition area of the Museum of the City of Trogir for visitors, libraries and reading rooms of the City Library of Trogir is ordered, followed by the space of civil society organizations, associations and communities of associations, as well as spaces used by these associations for regular activities.

3.) The work of the Trogir kindergarten is interrupted, except the kindergarten "Maslačak" at Kneza Trpimira 41, which will be on duty for the duration of the ordered measures.

4.) All sports facilities, gymnasiums, sports fields and playgrounds of the City of Trogir will be closed.

5.) The City Administration of the City of Trogir will cancel receptions, and contact will be possible only by phone, mail or e-mail. Receptions of foreign delegations as well as travel of employees from outside the Republic of Croatia are postponed. 

6.) Officers and employees of the city government, institutions and city companies are obliged to adhere to the recommended hygiene and precautionary measures, to avoid close contact with persons with respiratory symptoms, to maintain the hygiene of the environment and the workplace in terms of cleaning and disinfecting work surfaces and objects, ventilating the workspace and recommend the same to citizens/parties with whom they are in communication.

This decision can also be read on the web pages and bulletin board of the City of Trogir, as well as city institutions and companies.

Source: Trogirski Portal

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