
Fixing Croatian Travel European Media Misinformation One Email at a Time

By 31 May 2020

May 31, 2020 - There is a LOT of confusion and misinformation about travel requirements to Croatia at the moment, and it hurting the tourism industry. It is possible to fix, one email at a time. 

This is a year for first time experiences. 

Yesterday, I wrote to a newspaper about an article correction for the first time in English (I tried last year in Croatia - unsuccessfully -  with Slobodna Dalmacija after some naughty local official tried - and continues to try - to slander me, but that's another story). 

The email was to the digital editor of The Irish Times, whose email was on their website. 

Here is what I wrote. 

Hi Paddy, 

I run the English news portal for Croatia and saw your article last night which is not entirely accurate - Irish tourists CAN come to Croatia under certain conditions - and it is going to have a damaging effect on Croatia's tourism from Ireland.
It is not the journalist's fault, the info is incredibly hard to find, but as I explain in my article, many European media are printing misleading stuff. You can see the real situation in my article just published - crazy rules, but they work and there are Irish people here at the moment.
FYI, this is the master travel article which we update daily -
We also have a  lively Total Croatia Travel INFO Viber community where your journalists can check the latest, as well as ask questions.
Would it be possible to update the article to give a bit more clarity?
And if you ever need a source for Croatia, Montenegro or Slovenia, we are local and cover all three countries.
cheers Paul Bradbury 
Within an hour, we had gone from this:
misinformation-croatia (2).png
To this.
misinformation-croatia (1).png
Meanwhile, in Belgium... 
Total Croatia Travel INFO Viber community member Didier contacted this news portal. We went from borders closed... 
... to Belgian tourists are welcome in Croatia. 
Lesson learned. If you give journalists the correct information, there is a higher chance that they will print what is really happening. If you give them no information, the effect on the tourism could be highly damaging. 

Looking for the latest travel info to Croatia? Follow the TCN daily update

Do you have a question about travelling to Croatia? Join the Total Croatia Travel INFO Viber community, currently the only place answering Croatian travel questions in real time (you will need to download the Viber app).

