
Domestic Tourists to a Dream Vacation by Sending Only One Viber Message

July 25, 2020 - Total Croatia News, the most widely read Croatian portal with news in English, again sets new standards in the tourist promotion of Croatia among domestic and foreign tourists and through the Viber community Croatia Last Minute Deals. And now, the portal TurističkePrič connects domestic tourists and Croatian renters in the corona era.

In cooperation with the Viber community Croatia Last Minute Deals, the Last Minute Croatia platform was launched within the tourist lifestyle portal Turističke price, which combines especially favorable, "last minute" offers for hotel and private accommodation, as well as offers of travel agencies segmented by regions and parts of Croatia, in which they are located. Apart from Croatian, the content is also available in English and German, and it is updated several times a day with new offers so that you can get a cheap dream vacation faster than ever.


"Real-time communication via smartphones has become our reality today, and that's exactly how we came up with the idea of the Viber community Croatia Last Minute Deals, which allows tourists and tourism entities to communicate directly and quickly exchange information via simple messages. Since the beginning of July, we have gathered almost 4,000 interested renters, hoteliers, agencies and most importantly - domestic and foreign travelers who want to spend a holiday in Croatia, and every day, we grow. It was logical to connect with the portal Tourist Story, which brings a structured overview of domestic offers in one place and a simple search," said the owner of Total Croatia News, Paul Bradbury, who together with communication expert Krešimir Macan, launched Viber communities in mid-May to save Croatian tourism.

It is an active and fast promotion of Croatia and last-minute tourist facilities, which is a crucial advantage of the Viber group in which potential guests ask questions, and renters their offers. On the other hand, the portal makes it even easier to view offers, segmented by region.

"I am glad to be a part of this story since such valuable initiatives are crucial in a period when it is important to place information about Croatia as a safe country for vacation. It is through the synergy of Viber communities and portals that we additionally help domestic tourism to better fill the accommodation capacities in this challenging tourist year. On the other hand, domestic guests can find a dream vacation at an affordable price, which they thought was not possible," said Goran Rihelj, founder and owner of the portal Turističke priče and HrTurizam, and added that he is convinced that this innovative approach to communication ensured the stay of many foreign tourists in our country, as well as motivated many domestic guests to go to the sea, despite the crisis.


For the offer to be published for free in the category Last Minute Croatia on the website turističkeprič, landlords must send a photo of the accommodation, contact, last-minute price, available date, and link to the website - or to the Viber community Croatia Last Minute Deals or directly to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

"I am grateful to Goran for recognizing that in these challenging moments, a complete Viber and web platform and fast communication must be provided to ensure that abruptly canceled dates and accommodations are quickly filled by domestic guests who are flexible because they are close. Every new reservation is ours. A small personal victory for both passengers and renters. That is why we decided to invest extra effort in the organization of these platforms as well," said Krešimir Macan, one of the initiators of this project.


In mid-May, with the opening of Croatia to foreigners, the Viber community Total Croatia Travel INFO became the main source of information for tourists who wanted to travel to our country and today has over 5,000 active members. Their contributions and feedback create the most accurate guide to travel to Croatia, TCN Croatia Travel Update, which has been read by over 120,000 tourists interested in coming to Croatia since May. Due to the often unclear situation with the rules of entry or exit from the country, members were able to get all the answers right here. As communication in the community developed naturally, they began to inquire about free accommodation on our coast. This is how the idea for the Viber community Croatia Last Minute Deals was born.

Paul Bradbury is an Irish writer and blogger who has lived in Croatia since 2002. He won the FIJET Marco Polo Tourism Journalist Award in 2014 and runs and edits the largest and most visited Croatian news portal in English, Total Croatia News, which bears the adjective "the most reliable source of information on Croatian destinations in the world". Numerous local experts and analysts write for the portal. Its success is evidenced by the fact that it is used as a source of news from Croatia by many reputable world media such as the Huff Post, Washington Post, Guardian, Independent, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Die Zeit, New Scientist, Herald, Lonely Planet News, and many others. Find out more about the TCN portal here.
