October 1, 2020 - After its stunning introduction during Days of Croatian Tourism in 2019, HeadOnEast 2020 kicks off tomorrow - 3 glorious days of hedonism in Osijek.
One of the best tourism initiatives of 2019 - at least in my humble opinion - was the decision to hold the annual Days of Croatian Tourism event in eastern Croatia for the first time. The populr event, where all the movers and shakers from the official Croatian tourism industry converge for three days of awards, networking and socialising after a typically busy tourist season, is traditionally held in attractive coastal locations which make for an ideal weekend away from the office in Zagreb and elsewhere.
The decision to hold the event in Slavonia for the first time, following a campaign by Goran Rihelj of HRTurizam, gradually gathered support until a series of events from Virovitica to Vukovar, and Vinkovci to Osijek took place, with many official tourism workers heading on east for the first time. Having visited Slavonia several times, and aware of its most limited tourism development compared to decades of investment on the Adriatic, I was curious to see how the event would go. I have a large soft spot for eastern Croatia and the wonderful people who hail from there - easily the most hard-working employees you will find on the Adriatic each summer.
Slavonia shone. Absolutely shone, and many headed back to Zagreb truly amazed at what they had discovered out east. And there was no doubting the highlight of a fabulous few days - the HeadOnEast festival in the old town of Osijek. I was delighted to learn that the very clever branding to promote the region's outstanding gourmet offer was conceived and executed locally. HeadOnEast - Hedonist, genius! I do encourage you to learn more about this remarkable branding campaign in HeadOnEast, Quality Croatian Tourism Branding Made in Slavonia.
Nowhere was more attractive than the Tvrdja Old Town of Osijek, which was transformed into a gourmet paradise, with events, street food, wine tasting, chill zones, and fun for the kids. It was lit up like Christmas, and if I have ever seen an example of the official tourism slogan, Croatia Full of Life, this was it. Several of my Osijek friends were incredulous that the usually quiet old town in early October could be this vibrant and cool.
Osijek and Slavonia had put on quite a show for its 1,500 guests from all over Croatia.
And it wasn't long before I was back, bringing the family for a weekend of Slavonian discovery just two weeks later - it was quite a weekend.
Last year's magic was thankfully not a one-off, and HeadOnEast 2020 kicks off tomorrow evening, having survived the corona scare. Three days of gourmet fun await - check out the full programme in Croatian below (Google Translate is your friend).
If you think you have seen the old town of Osijek in all its glory, consider taking another look this weekend. HeadOnEast 2020 will be a fabulous event, one which I hope will be part of the calendar for years to come, helping raise the profile of this magnificent and severely underrated region.
“ZEMLJA BEZ GRANICA - HVATAČI SNOVA” - Trg Jurja Križanića - dvorište Prehrambeno tehnološkog fakulteta Osijek; iza Crkve Sv. Mihaela Arkanđela
Radno vrijeme:
Petak: 17.30 h - 24.00 h
Subota: 9.30 h - 24.00 h
Nedjelja: 10.00 h - 12.00 h
Opis: Ponajveći kontinentalni dječji festival Zemlja bez granica u mini izdanju gostuje na HeadOnEastu, pod temom Hvatači snova. Klince i klinceze te njihove odrasle pratnje očekuju brojne radionice i igraonice uz bogat glazbeni program. Program realizira Udruga Breza u suradnji s Kulturnim centrom Osijek.
Petak, 2.10. 17:30 Priča o Glasu- Kazalište Mala scena/ dječja predstava
18:00 Zvučna kupka /performans
18:05 Škripzikl uživo /ulični performans
19:00-19:30 Dora Vestić /koncertino
19:40-19:55 HNK/ crtice iz mjuzikla
20:10-21:00 JELENA RADAN I GORAN BOŠKOVIĆ /koncertino
21:00 do 24:00 Ambijentalna glazba uz svjetlosne instalacije
Subota, 3.10. Radionice za djecu
9:30-13:00 razne radionice
15:00-19:00 razne radionice
18:00 Ivana Đula: hvatačica zvukova – performans Dubrovnik s razlogom
19:30-20:15 LUCE- Još i sad/ mali koncert
20:15-21:00 MERITAS- Dok čekamo dan/ mali koncert
21:00 Udruga Slama i Plesni studio Shine - Spaljivanje virusa/ performans
21:00 do 24:00 Ambijentalna glazba uz svjetlosne instalacije
Nedjelja, 4.10. Radionice za djecu
10:00-12:00 razne radionice
Više informacija: https://www.facebook.com/events/2729133980697507/
“VINO.GRAD & BEERCUZ“ - Trg Vatroslava Lisinskog – dvorište Edukativnog i informativnog turističkog centra mladih Stara pekara
Radno vrijeme:
Petak: 18.00 h-24.00 h
Subota: 18.00 h–24.00 h
Nedjelja: ne radi
Opis: Stara pekara ugostiti će Vino.grad i Beercuz, te postati raj za vinoljupce i pivoljupce, gdje će sinergija podunavskih vina i craft piva potaknuti razuzdanost pred glavnom pozornicom ovogodišnjeg HeadOnEast-a, na kojoj će nastupati brojni poznati izvođači. (tradicionalni sadržaj Večeri vina i umjetnosti, ovaj put pod nazivom Vino.grad. Planirano je predstavljanje vina Slavonije i Baranje, glazbeni program, vinske i gourmet radionice. Uz Vino.grad u dvorištu Stare pekara, predstavit će se županijska craft scena u programu pod nazivom Beercuz.)
Glazbeni program:
Petak, 2.10. 18:00 - 19:00 DJ Kemalier
19:00 - 20:00 Bow vs. Plectrum
20:00 - 21:00 DJ Kemalier
21:00 - 22:30 ZDENKA KOVAČIČEK & Green house blues band
22:30 - 24:00 DJ Kemalier
Subota, 3.10. 18:00 - 20:30 DJ Kemalier
20:30 - 21:40 Borna Šercar's Jazziana Croatia
21:40 - 22:30 DJ Kemalier
22:30 - 24:00 Gitarel
Dodatni program:
Petak, 2.10. 18:00 – 22:00 h Izložba fotografija „Živjeti s Dravom“, JU za zaštitu prirode OBŽ
19:00 – 20:00 h Vina s Dunava, radionica - Centar za mlade Stara pekara
Subota, 3.10. 18:00 – 22:00 h Izložba fotografija „Živjeti s Dravom“, JU za zaštitu prirode OBŽ
19:00 – 20:30 h Vina s Dunava, radionica i Gourmet radionica, sljubljivanje vina i hrane - Centar za mlade Stara pekara
“IN DA SOFA” - Trg Vatroslava Lisinskog – travnati prostor ispred NK Elektra
Radno vrijeme:
Petak: 18.00 h - 24.00 h
Subota: 18.00 h - 24.00 h
Nedjelja: ne radi
Opis: Jedan od zaštitnih znakova osječke urbane scene, popularna In da Sofa priprema pregršt ludih ritmova i veliku dozu zabave.
Glazbeni program: DJ Omer (petak) & DJ Flegma (subota)
- “FOOD BAZZAR” - Trg Vatroslava Lisinskog
Radno vrijeme:
Petak: 18.00 h - 24.00 h
Subota: 18.00 h - 24.00 h
Nedjelja: ne radi
Opis: Food bazzar okupiti će slavonske i baranjske proizvođače kulena, kobasica, čvaraka, sira, meda, ajvara, pekmeza, rakije i drugih proizvoda koji predstavljaju najbolje suvenire ovog kraja,
- “Street Food” - Ul. Matije Petra Katančića
Radno vrijeme:
Petak: 18.00 h - 24.00 h
Subota: 18.00 h - 24.00 h
Nedjelja: ne radi
Opis: Street Food zona ponuditi najbolje od raznolike gastronomske ponude Slavonije i Baranje.
- Posebno turističko vođenje „Vojnici, gostionice i bludnice“, Stanislav Subotić
Petak i subota: 18:00 – 19:30 h, početak Trg V. Lisinskog
- Program će pratiti skulpture od slame autora Nikole Fallera.
Manifestacija će imati službene ulaze:
1 ulaz na program Hvatači snova, Zemlja bez granica:
dvorište Prehrambeno tehnološkog fakulteta - Trg Jurja Križanića, iza Crkve Sv. Mihaela Arkanđela
3 ulaza prema ostalim programima – Vino.grad, Beercuz, In Da Sofa, Food bazzar, Street food:
- ulaz: Trg Svetog Trojsta – ulaz u Ulicu M. P. Katančića
- 2. ulaz: Trg Vatroslava Lisinskog – zapadna strana trga
- 3. ulaz: s Promenade – kod NK Elektra)
Na ulazima će se osigurati dezinfekcijska sredstva, mjeriti temperatura i popisivati posjetitelji, dok će se na svakoj lokaciji planiranih potprograma biti osigurana dezinfekcijska sredstva te će se voditi računa o distanci i maksimalnom broju posjetitelja po pojedinoj lokaciji, prema uputama i preporukama Stožera i Hrvatskog zavoda za javno zdravstvo.
Even if you can't make the festival this time round, why not HeadOnEast soon and see what you are missing. Learn more in How to Make the Most from a Weekend in Eastern Croatia.
Follow the latest on the official HeadOnEast Facebook event page.