
Croatia Airlines Mask Rules Change Amid Coronavirus Pandemic

By 30 March 2021

March the 30th, 2021 - Croatia Airlines mask rules change slightly as the situation with international travel continues to be plagued by problems.

The vaccine may finally be here, but with the rollout being slow and problematic across Europe (with the exception of the United Kingdom), the coronavirus crisis is still continuing to cause tremendous issues for the airline/travel industry. Croatia Airlines, which has faced issues since long before the pandemic struck, isn't immune to these problems but has managed to keep its head above water.

Croatia Airlines mask rules have changed as the situation continues to unfold, both in terms of the spread of the virus itself and in terms of the various lockdown measures different European countries are introducing. 

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, Croatia Airlines has announced that as of Tuesday, March the 30th, 2021, only protective medical/surgical masks are allowed on all their flights, meaning that ordinary cotton masks are no longer enough to be accepted for boarding.

''Acceptable face coverings are medical (surgical) face masks and masks with filters (FFP2, N95 or KN95 without valves) - they stated from the Croatian national carrier, before urging passengers to please pay the proper attention to this and other measures for flights as the responsibility to do so lies solely with them.

From March the 30th, 2021, the use of protective medical/surgical masks only are allowed on all Croatia Airlines flights, read a post by Croatia Airlines on Monday the 29th of March 2021.

- On all Croatia Airlines flights, wearing a mask over the nose and mouth is mandatory.

- Visors and scarves are not allowed as a replacement for face covers on our flights.

- Children under the age of six are not required to wear face masks.

- If for health reasons you cannot wear a face mask, you must have a medical certificate as well as a negative test for COVID-19.

- Bring your own ballpoint pen to fill out the forms or to pre-fill the form needed to enter your destination.

For all current information on coronavirus specific to Croatia, including travel and border rules, as well as testing centres up and down the country, make sure to bookmark this page.
