
Flights from Dublin to Croatia Return Soon with Croatia Airlines and Ryanair!

Flights from Dublin to Croatia Return Soon with Croatia Airlines and Ryanair!

May 18, 2021 - The latest flight news to Croatia as flights from Dublin to Croatia return later this month thanks to Croatia Airlines and Ryanair!

Croatian Aviation reports that Croatia Airlines will resume traffic on the regular route between Dublin and Zagreb from the end of May. At the beginning of June, Ryanair will reconnect Dublin with Zadar, Split, and Dubrovnik.

The Croatian national airline operated for a short time, around the Easter holidays, on a regular route between Dublin and Zagreb Airport, but traffic was soon suspended. The company has decided to operate again on this line from the end of May with two flights a week, every Thursday and Sunday.

The Croatia Airlines route between Zagreb and Dublin has been announced from Thursday, May 27, and flights are planned for the coming summer months. A319 aircraft with a capacity of 144 passengers will operate on the route.

From mid-June, Croatia Airlines has regular charter flights between Split and Dublin, once a week, on Wednesdays, until the beginning of September.

From the beginning of June, Irish Ryanair will resume traffic on its three seasonal lines from Dublin to Zadar, Split, and Dubrovnik. In the summer season of 2020, the line to Zadar from the capital of Ireland was not in traffic.

The Dublin - Zadar Airport route has been announced from June 2, twice a week, on Wednesdays and Sundays, and the airline plans to keep the same number of weekly operations throughout the summer flight schedule.

The Dublin - Split Airport line has also been announced from June 2, twice a week, on the same days as the line to Zadar. In early July, the company plans to increase the number of weekly operations by introducing an additional flight on Fridays.

The Dublin - Dubrovnik Airport line will be in operation from June 4. Two flights a week have been announced for June, on Mondays and Fridays, while an additional flight on Wednesdays is expected from the beginning of July.

The third airline operating between Ireland and Croatia is AerLingus. The company previously announced the resumption of traffic to Pula, Split, and Dubrovnik from the beginning of June. Still, currently, all flights have been postponed until the second half of June.

Regarding COVID restrictions, passengers coming to Croatia from Ireland must have:

- negative PCR or rapid antigen test not older than 48 hours from entry into Croatia,

- vaccination certificate (the last dose must be received at least 15 days before entering Croatia),

- certificate of recovery (12 to 180 days),

If the passengers do not have any of the above, upon entering the Republic of Croatia, passengers will be referred for a PCR or rapid antigen test at their own expense and are obliged to stay in self-isolation until the results arrive.

Croatian citizens traveling from Croatia to Ireland are required to have:

- negative PCR test not older than 72 hours from entry into Ireland,

- for certain categories of passengers, it is possible to determine 14-day self-isolation.

This does not apply to passengers who have been fully vaccinated:

- Pfizer vaccine received at least 7 days before entering Ireland,

- Moderna or Janssen vaccine at least 14 days before entering Ireland,

- AstraZeneca at least 15 days before entering Ireland.

Passengers must complete the "Passenger Locator Form" before entering Ireland.

Follow the latest on flights to Croatia HERE and the latest travel updates and COVID-19 news from Croatia HERE.

For more on travel in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.
