
2nd Split Winter Tourism Roundtable on March 1: Presenting Quality Content

By 22 February 2022

February 22, 2022 - For Split winter tourism to succeed, it needs quality content. The 2nd Split Winter Tourism Roundtable will present precisely that. 

Developing winter tourism in Split will not happen overnight, but progress is being made. After the success of the first Split Winter Tourism Roundtable a few weeks ago (you can read all about it, as well as the minutes of the meeting in Reflections on the First TCN Split Winter Tourism Roundtable), the second roundtable will take place on March 1, with Mayor Ivica Puljak once again confirming his attendance - we are very grateful for his support, as well as all the other stakeholders, who are supporting this initiative. 

Our thanks too to Natasa and Joze from the Split Croatian Chamber of Commerce, who are hosting the next roundtable - public/private partnership is key for this initiative to succeed. And a huge thanks to the fabulous female quartet of Jasmina Kruscic from Chops Grill (host of the first roundtable), Mare Mustapic of Zinfandel/Brasserie on 7, Jelena Tabak of Dujkin Dvor, and TCN's very own Daniela Rogulj, who have done a LOT of work behind the scenes, as well as star TCN intern Toni Petricic, who has done some outstanding data analysis on airport passenger numbers, and suggested areas to focus on extending the flight season by a little. An overview of his findings will be presented at the meeting. 

The roundtable will be attended by representatives of University of Split, Faculty of Economisc who are working on Strategy of development of Split 2030, tourism included. The document is not yet finalised, but they will give an overview of the direction of the strategy and its key points. 

The next roundtable will focus on content, content, content. There is no point having winter flights if there is no content. We will be focusing on four areas - gourmet, 3D mapping, winter sailing, and digital nomads. All presentations will be recorded and put on YouTube so people can see them, as well as being reported on by TCN. 

Moderator par excellence Michael Freer is sadly not available, so I will attempt to fill his considerable shoes in the role. 

For more detail on the content of the second Split Winter Tourism Roundtable, this is from the email sent by the Split Chamber of Commerce - thank you for your support:

We are formally inviting you to attend the follow-up Split Winter Tourism Roundtable meeting, to be held at HGK Split on March 1 at 10 am. 

According to the conclusions of the first Round Table held, we will be presenting four possible programs that might enhance the post season target period which could make the season longer, i.e. November

The program of the round table is as follows:

Moderator: Paul Bradbury

Introduction: presentation of arrivals and statistic and why should we boost November

1) Split-Dalmatian Gastro capital: Ingrid Badurina Danielsson and Dubravka Tomeković Aralica (Taste the Mediterranean and Gault&Millau)

2) 3D mapping - osvjetljavanje Grada: Mislav Čizmić i Ivana Burazin (Promo plan)

3) Winter sailing: Nick Hathaway (45 Degrees Sailing)

4a) Realising Split's Fantastic Potential Through Community: Nikolina Kukoč (Split Tech City).

4b) Why Split Should be the Regional Capital for Digital Nomads, and How to Make it so: Tanja Polegubić (Saltwater Nomads)

Other participants will be representatives of Tourist board (City and County), Mayor of Split, Mr. Puljak and representatives of the initiative (Total Croatia News and HGK).

TCN will of course report on the event in detail and make all the presentation videos available on our YouTube channel as sson as resources allow. 

You can follow the Split winter tourism initiative on the dedicated TCN section.
