
Croatian Residents Spent 8 Billion Kuna on Travel in 2021

July the 12th, 2022 - Croatian residents spent eight billion kuna on travel and trips back during 2021, despite the continuing issues posed by the global coronavirus pandemic during that time.

As Morski writes, back in 2021, 1.35 million Croatian residents or 39.4 percent of them travelled on multi-day trips around the country and also abroad, achieving 25 million overnight stays or 28 percent more than was recorded back in 2020, while spending slightly more than 8 billion kuna, or 51 percent more, and most of the travel and spending was done here in Croatia.

In total, in 2021, Croatian residents aged 15 and over made almost 4 million multi-day trips of three or more nights, which is an encouraging 30.4 percent increase compared to pandemic-dominated 2020.

Most of their trips, more precisely 3.5 million of them, were private in nature, which marked a 27.5 percent increase compared to 2020, and at the same time, they achieved 23 million overnight stays, or 24 percent more. 6.6 billion kuna was spent on these sorts of trips back in 2020, and when it comes to the spending done on these private trips last year, that figure was exceeded by 43 percent.

Compared to the pre-pandemic, record year of 2019, according to the CBS, their spending on private multi-day trips was 28.4 percent lower, which shouldn't come as a surprise considering the unprecedented events which unfolded one year later in 2020.

Most of the private trips taken by Croatian residents, so about 3 million or 28.2 percent more than in 2020, were realised within the borders of Croatia, achieving 18.1 million overnight stays or 23 percent more than back in 2020, and for this, 5 billion kuna or 58.4 percent more was spent.

When it comes to the question of accommodation in Croatia, domestic travellrs on multi-day trips mostly chose non-commercial accommodation, where they spent the majority of overnight stays last year, 15.4 million of them in total, of which 9.1 million were recorded in the properties of relatives and friends, and 6.1 million in their own houses and apartments.

When it comes to the 533,000 private trips Croatian residents made abroad in 2021, of which there were 24 percent more than there were back in 2020, Croatian residents spent around 1.6 billion kuna or 9.4 percent more.

In 2021, business trips by Croatian residents also increased by 68 percent, and on a total of 364,000 such trips, most of which were within the borders of Croatia, a total of 1.4 billion kuna was spent, which is 100 percent more than back in 2020.

According to the months of the year, Croatian residents made the most private multi-day trips in Croatia during the summer months of July and August 2021, 1.3 million of them in total, which is 37 percent of the total amount of private multi-day trips, while they travelled abroad the most in December 2021, realising 95 thousand trips or 18 percent of the total amount of trips abroad, reports N1.

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