
Šibenik Returning to Medieval Times This Weekend

By 1 September 2015

Medieval Fair in Šibenik, September 4-6, complete programme included

11th Medieval fair will be held in Šibenik this weekend, September 4-6 with over 300 participants including over 140 crafts.

During today’s press conference at the Mayor’s office, organizers, director of Šibenik Tourist board Dino Karađole, deputy mayor and the president of the Expo preparation committee Nikica Penđer, president of the Crafts association of Šibenik Joso Smolić and the secretary of the association Vlasta Mesić, all talked about the programme of this year’s edition.

Siniša Burić, vice-president of the City guard presented one of the main attractions of the Fair – naval battle which will take place on September 5th at 19:00 h “This is a very attractive event both for tourists and locals, and I would especially like to thank our sponsor, hotel company Solaris for letting us use their galleon in order to make the battle scene more authentic”.

Deputy mayor Nikica Penđer invited all locals and guests to join the festivities and enjoy the events of this year’s Medieval Fair while the director of the Šibenik Tourist Board noted that along with the Italian flag dancers, Pag alka and Artistika, events repeating every year, this edition is enriched by a very special concert by a mandolin virtuoso Sanja Vrančić.

Complete programme of the 11th Medieval Fair in Šibenik

Friday, 04. 09. 2015

12,00  Arts and crafts presentations begin

18,30 „ Artistika“- juggling in front of the City Hall

19,00 „Pag alka“-  traditional dances-   in front of the City Hall    

20.30  Welcome performances- in front of the City Hall, klapa, Marina Jurković, Artistica, Pag alka, Sjene (Shadows), Fanfares


21,05  Cannon fire

24,00  End of day one

Saturday, 05. 09. 2015.

10.00    Opening

11.00   Šibenik City Guard with Young Nobles and Kids Guard – street parade

12.00   Cannon fire

12,15  „ Artistika“- juggling – in front of the City Hall

12,30  „King Zvonimir’s Knights”- Knights battle in front of the City Hall

 16.00  Kids Guard crossbow tournament – on the boardwalk by the cannons

             Bow and arrow tournament

16.30  „Pag alka“-  traditional dances-   in front of the City Hall    

17.00  „King Zvonimir’s Knights“- play Legend of Knin in front of the City Hall

17.30   Artistika“- juggling – in front of the City Hall

18.00   Flag dances (Sbandieratori Castiglion Fiorentino) – in front of the City Hall

19.30   Naval battle re-enactment

20.30   „ Artistika“- juggling with fire- in front of the City Hall

21.00   Flag dances (Sbandieratori Castiglion Fiorentino) – in front of the City Hall

24,00  End of day two

Sunday, 06.09.2015.

10.00    Opening of the fair

11.00   Flag dances (Sbandieratori Castiglion Fiorentino) – in front of the City Hall

12.00  Šibenik City Guard with Young Nobles and Kids Guard – street parade

12,30  „Pag alka“-  traditional dances-   in front of the City Hall    

13.00  Cannon fire

14.00  Official closing of the fair
