Increase in arrivals and overnight stays for the first 8 months of 2015
Split is not the only city with record tourism numbers this summer, Zadar is also showing impressive numbers. During August Zadar was visited by 90 665 tourists with 423 832 overnight stays. According to new data issued by Zadar Tourist Board, this is a 2% increase in arrivals and 3% increase in overnight stays and if we look at the numbers for the first eight months in 2015, there is a 6% increase in arrivals (304 674) and 8% in overnight stays ( 1 180 997).
Even though there is a significant increase in arrivals of guests from Spain (23%) and Hungary ( 19%) top three countries are still Germany, Italy and Slovenia. 65% of all guests stay in private accommodation, 26% in hotels, 5% in campsites and 4% in hostels.
Director of Zadar Tourist Board Zvonko Šupe commented the results: " We had our one millionth overnight stay 20 days ago and we are very happy with the season since we are showing a constant increase. I am especially pleased to see that the number of Italian guests is increasing after several years of stagnation. However, it would be very hard to achieve these results without the great turnout of German guests, we have an increase of arrivals from that market of 13% and they have 22% more overnight stays than last year".
Zvonko Šupe also noted that this year's great tourist reason is not the result of fantastic weather and it can only be contributed to the fantastic work of all tourism workers in the city and surrounding areas.