I am tired.
I was up till 2 am last night working and was waken up by a jackhammer at 7 (again) this morning. I just hope 7-am-jackhammer-works at the pjaca are finally done.
Anyway, knowing about the Klapa festival "Jelsa od Versa", which was about to happen tonight was not something to look forward to, as i knew I would not be able to organize my activities to have my kid in bed on time, to have time to work and to be able to go to bed at a reasonable hour.
And after a whole day of setting up the stage, everything was done and prepared for the festival, which finally began few minutes after 9 pm. As the stage is just in front of the house I live in, there was not much choice for me to get some sleep tonight, so I gave up my wish to have my kid in bed on time and went with the flow. I sat on the terrace to listen to the performances, closing my eyes occasionally to sink in to those voices of pure harmony, while holding my sleeping child in my arms. And I am still tired, but I am grateful that I could have enjoyed the event.
I was listening to the beautiful klapa singing, one after another and was amazed by the atmosphere of the festival. There were 8 klapa groups performing, the whole event was recorded for Radio Split, with the folklore group KUD Jelsa in the first row and the Jelsa mayor Nikša Peronja present to open the festival.
And just as all of the 8 klapa groups were done with their performances, there was time for the famous Klapa Cambi. They went on stage and gave us all goosebumps. I mean, I know each country has its folk music and folk singers and they can be rather popular for some part of the nation, but these klapa singers are different. What is it about those few men getting together to sing in perfect harmony of voices? I don´t know for sure, but they amaze me every single time.

Not to forget, there were 2 female klapa groups as well at the festival, which were just as great and i was really surprised, that the Jelsa female klapa Frecija was not performing tonight.

Now, as I am listening to how they are taking apart the stage outside my window (being awfully loud at 1 am), with some klapa music playing in the background, I feel extremely grateful, that I live at such a beautiful place, where real men (and women) sing in perfect harmony for all of us to enjoy.