What's On This Month?

Where to Party After 2Cellos in Jelsa Tonight?

By paul 7 August 2015

There is only one place to be tonight.

The Jelsa main square will be sectioned off from 1930 - 2300 tonight, as the event of the summer - 2Cellos live - will take place at 21:00.

There are still a few tickets left I understand, but be quick... The cafes on the square were requested to remove all their outdoor tables and chairs, but there has been a compromise solution of one row, and one has a feeling that it will be a busy night on the square. 

Preparations were ongoing over the Total Hvar lunchtime cold one, and I am sure I saw a cello being transported...

The event has been organised by the Jelsa Tourist Board, not an institution which has seen positive coverage on this site so far this year, for reasons I stand by, but it would be childish of me not to congratulate director Niko Skrivaneli on tonight's event, which should show off Jelsa at its very best, and I know a lot of hard work has gone into it. So congratulations Niko.  

And what do to when the concert is finished? Well, for some it might be bedtime, but if you have a little more partying inside you, head over the harbour to Mojito, who have quite the party starting at 22:00 - house, electic, drums, and more than 100 cocktail choices...

PETAK 07/08/ U 22.00h

Po prvi put kod nas vrhunski "Drumer" na električnim bubnjevima,perkusijama,đembama i tom - tomovima prati vruće house ritmove DJ-a


It is a friday, it is going to be spectacular !

Be there ;-) 
