What's On This Month?

Jelsa in Festive Mood - Prime Minister, a Choir and a Donkey

By Ivana 14 August 2015
As the Feast of Our Lady´s Assumption approaches, everything needs to get done and ready for the celebrations - Jelsa celebrates its day on Saturday.
So, the festive flags were installed this morning by the young members of the Jelsa rowing club under the experienced leadership of their couch Jerko Božiković.
(photo: Ivana Župan)
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(photo: Ivana Župan) 
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 (photo: Ivana Župan)
And some dry palm leaves were cut with the help of the heavy machinery of the DVD Jelsa (fire brigade) with the Mayor Nikša Peronja controlling the progress while passing by.
 (photo: Ivana Župan)
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 (photo: Ivana Župan)
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(photo: Ivana Župan)
With the works on the ground floor of the historic building of the former library (which serves as the administrative building of the Jelsa municipality at the moment) apparently all done - it will be quite a party tomorrow.
(photo: Iveta Vujević)
Among others, the Croatian Prime Minister Zoran Milanović should attend the festive council meeting at 11 in the newly renovated space, which should serve as a multifunctional meeting point/entertainment space in the centre.
The festivities actually started tonight with an amazing concert of the St. Cecille Choir and their guests from the Croatian National Theatre Split in the Church of the Assumption.
(photo: Ivana Župan)
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Despite the heat following us everywhere, even into the church building, many people gathered to listen to the concert. And although we could not stay all the way to the last song, we very much enjoyed those beautiful voices singing for us tonight.

Often, when I have the chance to listen to such a great live performance, I close my eyes to fully sense the music, not distracting myself with looking at anything. But with the Jelsa choir, it is sometimes not possible, because I just can´t take my eyes of Slavko Reljić, the choirmaster when he conducts the choir.

(photo: Ivana Župan)

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Conducting with so much passion and love, it is a delight to look at him and the rest of the choir. He is for sure transferring some of his passion and energy onto the members of the choir, as their singing comes from their heart every time.

Tonight´s guests - Stefan Kokoškov (tenor), Antonija Teskera (sopran) and Vera Obukhova-Velić (mezzosopran) - made the evening even more magnificent.Thank you for your performance and an amazing evening.
(photo: Ivana Župan)
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(photo: Ivana Župan)

Join Jelsa in the festivities tomorrow with the Council Meeting & The Opening Ceremony of the multifunctional hall at 11 and the Installation of the Donkey Statue at the New Riva at 19:30. On Saturday a Holy mass and the following procession at 18:30, a Concert of Zorica Konda at 22:00 and Fireworks at 23:30 are awaiting for us on the Feast of Our Lady´s Assumption.
