What's On This Month?

The Most Romantic Reason to Visit Jelsa in 2015

By paul 22 August 2015

People visit destinations for different reasons. For some, it is great marketing, for others it is due to personal recommendation, while for others the reasons are a little more unique.

Lovely email of thanks to one very happy Jelsa visitor to their host, a visitor who finally came to see and learn about the magic of Jelsa that her parents discovered 40 years ago:

"Thank you so much for letting us stay in your wonderful house. We had a really, really good time and loved the island. It was particularly nice for me to get to know Jelsa - my full name is Hannah Jelsa M. (we have shortened the surname) because I was conceived there in the 70's - my parents thought it was romantic to give me Jelsa as my middle name. I had always disliked it as it didn't mean anything to me, but am now feeling more of an affinity with it - we should have visited years ago!"
