One of the things that happened when I was away in Munich over the last two months is that the Jelsa Tourist Board director resigned in November, citing personal reasons. While we had our differences during the year or so he was in the job, I hope the reasons are not too severe and wish him well.
His depature of course means that once again Jelsa is looking for a new tourist board director, and a tender was opened at the beginning of December for the new job, with a deadline for applicants of December 19 (see all details in Croatian below), so if you are interested in the job, get moving.
Of course, with the pace of decision-making and Croatian bureaucracy, it will be several weeks for the new director to actual take up his/her position, leaving little time to plan for the new season. There are several very urgent things to fix, such as a new website, so people can actually discover what and where Jelsa is, and what is happening there - quite incredibly, the Jelsa events page in English was totally blank for the entire year, and remains so - hardly an enticement for would-be tourists.
The two main issues I see are for the incoming director to move the focus of tourism information from a need to know basis for locals, with a promotional eye catered to people who matter in the local community, to the real people who should matter in tourism - the visiting tourists. As obvious as that may sound, it is something that does not happen in Jelsa, from blank events pages, to Facebook posting until recently solely in Croatia, to poor international social media promotion.
The other key issue is whether or not certain interests groups are finally prepared to put tourism ahead of personal interest. To an outsider, it may seem ludicrous that tourism is not the priority of everybody in a tourist town such as Jelsa. If it were, tourism in Jelsa would have been much more advanced than it is now.
The reason that the recently departed director got the job in 2014 was due to the non-performance of the previous director, who had been in the position for as long as I have been in Jelsa, a period that showed a significant decline in the town's tourism fortunes - not all of which can be blamed on the poor hotels, as is often the common wisdom.
So if a director is replaced for non-performance, what else would you expect than a special job is created for him as communications director at the same tourist board in the same office? Not only was this an additional burden on the tourist board budget with the associated large salary, but the previous non-performance was now put on the front desk, and I heard many complaints from foreigners this summer.
Jelsa does not need a non-performing communications director, or even a communications director. It needs a dynamic new director, who is outward looking towards the international tourism market, supported by the local authorities by providing the best team. I will be watching with interest from Munich to see if the interested parties of Jelsa will finally put the interests of the community and its tourism livelihood ahead of private interests. The potential of Jelsa tourism is frightening, if only the community could work together to make it happen. It should not be that difficult.
Good luck to the successful applicant, and we wish him/her the very best, as we did with the announcement of the last successful applicant.
It will be a very demanding job, and not one I would fancy even if I was qualified with the criteria below. I sincerely hope that the powers that may make not a good choice of director, but the correct strategic decisions to move Jelsa forward.
The tender details in Croatian:
Turističko vijeće Turističke zajednice Općine Jelsa, temeljem odredbi članka 17. točke 6. Zakona o turističkim zajednicama i promicanju hrvatskog turizma (NN br. 152/08), članka 27. stavka 6. i članka 46. Statuta Turističke zajednice Općine Jelsa (Službeni glasnik Općine Jelsa 8/2010, 14/10 i 14/11) raspisuje javni
za izbor
Pristupnici natječaju moraju ispunjavati opće uvjete Zakona o radu (NN br. 93/14), posebne uvjete propisane člancima 21. i 23. Zakona o turističkim zajednicama i promicanju hrvatskog turizma, te posebne uvjete propisane člankom 1. Pravilnika o posebnim uvjetima koje moraju ispunjavati zaposleni u turističkom uredu turističke zajednice općine, grada, županije i Glavnom uredu Hrvatske turističke zajednice (NN br. 42/14 i 114/14):
1. da ima završen preddiplomski sveučilišni studij (sveučilišni prvostupnik/ prvostupnica) ili stručni studij (stručni prvostupnik/prvostupnica) ili završen preddiplomski i diplomski sveučilišni studij ili integrirani preddiplomski i diplomski sveučilišni studij (magistar/magistra) ili specijalistički diplomski stručni studij (stručni specijalist/specijalistica);
2. da ima najmanje godinu dana radnog iskustva na rukovodećim poslovima;
3. da izradi prijedlog svog programa rada turističke zajednice za jednogodišnje razdoblje;
4. da aktivno zna jedan svjetski jezik;
5. da ima položen stručni ispit za rad u turističkom uredu;
6. da poznaje rad na osobnom računalu;
7. da mu pravomoćnom sudskom presudom ili rješenjem o prekršaju nije izrečena mjera sigurnosti ili zaštitna mjera zabrane obavljanja poslova iz područja turizma, dok ta mjera traje.
Prijavi priložiti:
· životopis
· dokaz o stečenoj stručnoj spremi
· dokaz o radnom iskustvu
· uvjerenje o položenom sručnom ispitu za rad u turističkom uredu
· dokaz da podnositelju prijave pravomoćnom sudskom presudom ili rješenjem o prekršaju nije izrečena mjera sigurnosti ili zaštitna mjera zabrane obavljanja poslova iz područja turizma, dok ta mjera traje
· presliku domovnice
Kao dokaz ispunjenja uvjeta iz točke 2. uvjeta natječaja potrebno je priložiti potvrdu poslodavca ovjerenu pečatom i potpisom odgovorne osobe.
Program rada turističke zajednice iz točke 3. kandidat/kandidatkinja mora priložiti.
Iznimno od točke 5. uvjeta natječaj koje moraju ispunjavati pristupnici, položeni stručni ispit ne moraju imati osobe koje imaju odgovarajuću stručnu spremu i najmanje 10 godina radnog staža na poslovima u turizmu u toj stručnoj spremi.
Osoba koja u trenutku sklapanja ugovora o radu ispunjava sve ostale uvjete navedene u natječaju osim uvjeta iz točke 5. mora u roku od jedne godine od dana stupanja na rad položiti stručni ispit.
Nepravodobne i nepotpune prijave neće se razmatrati. Pravo na prijave na natječaj imaju pod jednakim uvjetima osobe oba spola.
Prijave i dokaze o ispunjavanju uvjeta, životopis, te ostala dokumentacija podnosi se u roku 15 dana od dana objave ovog natječaja na adresu:
Riva bb, 21 465 JELSA
s naznakom: „Natječaj za direktora“
O rezultatima natječaja pristupnici će biti obaviješteni u roku od 8 dana od dana izbora direktora/ice Turističkog ureda Turističke zajednice Općine Jelsa.
Turističko vijeće Turističke zajednice Općine Jelsa zadržava pravo ne izvršiti izbor direktora/ice po raspisanom natječaju te isti poništiti, bez obrazloženja.
Natječaj je objavljen dana 04. 12. 2015.g. na oglasnoj ploči TZO Jelsa i na mrežnim stranicama Općine Jelsa (, kao i u dnevnom tisku "Slobodna Dalmacija".