What's On This Month?

The Politics of the Christmas Decorations in Jelsa

By paul 17 December 2015

Conversations on the square over morning coffee never cease to amaze me, especially in winter.

Granted, there is not so much happening, and my knowledge of olives has increased one hundred-fold during the winter months in Jelsa, but I am beginning to realise I will never totally understand how things work in this beautiful town (and it WAS beautiful today - a spectacular day in t-shirt just 8 days before Christmas - with thanks to young Vivian for the pic above).

One of the hot topics of the day surrounded the Christmas decorations which have recently gone up, and very nice they look too. The main topic was focused on the star in the picture above, part of a line of decorations over the entrance to the square.

I was asked what the star reminded me of. I thought briefly, closed my eyes and focused. Yes, it defiinitely reminded me of... 

A star. Like the one above.

But I was in the minority.

Since starting Total Croatia News five months ago (if you want to keep up with the latest news about Croatia in English, check it out here), I have gone from almost zero knowledge about politics in Croatia to getting more involved in the nuances, as my colleagues have covered the election and subsequent pantomime in the search of a new government. In the process, I am called a (adjective deleted) Communist at least three times a week in messages and comments, part of the territory when running a news portal here, I am learning.

And, I was informed, of course there was a clear political message in the decision of this year's decorations. I see a star, others see a political symbol from the ruling party and the flag of the federal flag of the socialist country Croatia was part of 25 years ago.

For some a political symbol, for others simply a star, but at least we could agree on one thing - it was an absolutely gorgeous day. I must go down tonight to see what colour the star lights up. 

