What's On This Month?

Great Way to Start the Holidays - Klapa Concert in Jelsa

By Ivana 25 December 2015

We missed the last performance of the folklore group KUD Jelsa, which took place in Stari Grad couple of weeks ago. But when they announced another concert for last night, we were there, sitting in the first row (until they moved us to the second as it turned out the first one was reserved for those performing).

It was less dancing and more singing this time as the beautiful ladies from klapa Frecija took the stage.  They look stunning in their new black dresses, don´t you think?

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It is an absolute delight to watch them perform. A combination of beauty, grace and passion. Listen to their performance from last night in this short video:

Klapa Frecija KUD Jelsa 23/12/2015 from ivana on Vimeo.

And  as if that wasn´t enough great music to spoil our ears, there were guests too!! Klapa Kaštilac from Vrboska with their fabulous mandolin section and the very talented baritone Dario Belić accompanied by Tomi Domančić. Dario is becoming (or already is for that matter) an international star, proving it on various contests - the latest is the fantastic 3rd place in an international singer contest in Italy. Congratulations Dario!!

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One could not imagine KUD Jelsa without their dancing section. Here they are in their beautiful traditional costumes - performing the traditional Hvar dances.

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It was overall a wonderful evening, celebrating tradition, heritage and culture of Dalmatia in these festive days. Thank you KUD Jelsa for creating this event for us.

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If you missed this one and are wondering when will be the next opportunity to listen to the Frecija ladies again - Svirče (church) on December 26, 2015 at 17:15 is the place to be.

