What's On This Month?

Are You Woman Enough?

By Ivana 16 February 2016
Interesting title, isn´t it. It is the title of a public debate organised by the Jelsa High School and the Sustainable Island Association to take place tomorrow, February 17, 2016 at 18:00 at the new hall of the Municipal building in Jelsa.
I was keen to find out more about the event and contacted the Jelsa High School through FB asking for details, but they only sent me the official introduction to the FB event:

"We invite everyone to participate in the public debate "Are you woman enough?" organised by Jelsa High School and the Sustainable Island Association on the occasion of the Psychology Week. Students of the high school and their guests will be presenting their views on themes regarding the position of women in traditional societies. It will be interesting, join us!"

To find out more, you have to come tomorrow at 18:00 and see for yourself.
