Island News

Jelsa High School Students are Back from Spain

By 25 April 2016

Six students with 2 of their teachers just returned from their 7-day long visit to Montor, Spain.

(photos: Školski Projekti Hvar)

Kristina Barbarić, Barbara Radonić, Željana Račić, Petar Slaviček, Luka Ljubić and Muhamed Halilčević participated together with Jelena Milanović and Natalija Moskatelo (teachers) at the Erasmus project "I, You, We, Mediterranean Citizens.



During their 7-day stay in Montor, they met other students from Greece, Spain, Italy and France, visited Cordoba, Carmona and Sevile, informs the Školski Projekti Hvar FB page.

Among making new international friendships, they were participating in olive oil soap-making workshop, painted ceramics and were playing and dancing flamenco. The whole time, they were living in their host families, getting to know their culture and traditions, tasting local food, visiting archaeological sites and the oldest oil mill and learned some basic rules for olive oil tasting.

