What's On This Month?

A Piece of the Easter Procession in Milan Next Week

By Ivana 5 March 2016
As the Easter is slowly approaching, Jelsa is getting very quiet, which is understandable as during lent, many people are trying to step back and prepare themselves for the Easter celebration. There is a special atmosphere on the island, especially in its central part, where various preparations for the 500-year old tradition are to be done. One of the highlights of this time in Jelsa and the surrounding villages will be the Easter Procession "Following the Cross", a unique 500-year old UNESCO protected tradition. It is something you would have to experience yourself to get a glimpse of what it means for the locals. You can read more about it here.
For anyone, who is interested in the tradition and will be near Milan next weekend, there is a special opportunity to get to know a part of the procession - the singing of the unique Our Lady´s Tears (Gospin Plač). Here is a short announcement from the Jelsa tourist board:

The Croatian Community in Italy arranged an introduction to the 500-years old Easter Procession Following the Cross (Za Križem) and the singing of Our Lady´s Tears (Gospin Plač) performed by the klapa Kaštilac from Vrboska. The Event will take place on March 12 and 13, 2016 in Milan. Here is the program:
On Saturday, March 12, 2016 at 15.00 in Milan at the Church of the Friars Minor Capuchin (Piazza velasquez 2 - MM Amendola), Fra Ivica Karlo Lapić OH will celebrate the Holy Mass in Croatian with the special guests of klapa Kaštilac from Vrboska. Everyone is invited to a short gathering after the mass as a celebration to the upcoming Easter.

The next day, on Sunday, March 13, 2016, klapa Kaštelac will perform at the Holy Mass in Italian at 10.00 at the Church of the Fatebenefratelli Hospital (Via Fatebenefrateli 20). Also on Sunday, klapa Kaštilac will follow the Holy Mass in Padova at the Church of the St. Leopold Mandić.

