What's On This Month?

Truly Amazing Video of the Easter Procession "Following the Cross"

By Ivana 23 March 2016
I will never understand. No matter what I do, I will never get it. I can feel it is something truly special for these people. It is huge, it is sacred. It means the world to them. I respect that and I admire that.
Bura is howling around my house as I write these lines. I hope it will stop soon. Tomorrow is the night of the procession. I will be listening to them as they will pass my house singing, one after another.
This truly unique video of the Following the Cross Procession was shared at the Žveljarin FB page today. It captures the atmosphere of the procession so well.. . It was directed by Matko Petrić, camera by Boris Poljak and Jere Gruić, music by Matija Dedić, Darko Stanojkovski and Minja Kuzmanić.

And I might never understand, but I will do my best not to be in your way. To stand aside and quietly watch with amazement. Good luck to all of you..


(photo: snapshot from the Radni Naslov "Za križen (My Life)" video)
