James B. Mac Donald

James B. Mac Donald

Coming from Oakville which is part of the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) in Canada and moving to Osijek has been a great change. I wanted to do something in my field with a little bit more adventure, and bring a positive change to Croatia. The adventure that I like is to promote the great food, culture and its lifestyle. There is no script to follow and the news stories comes about naturally. Journalism is important as it changes lives and the way the world sees Croatia. This Country has won many awards for its famous landmarks and cultural heritage. It’s time that we have great writers with passion to share the news and the stories of the people.

My background comes from a vast supply of education from being at one of the top Art Schools (OCAD Ontario College of Art) Majoring Advertising Design and Minor in Northern Renaissance and Early Renaissance History. I also chose another direction in post graduate studies in teaching English. (Canadian College of Educators). I have had the chance to work as an Art Director working on TV commercials and doing copywriting as well. This led me into the field of Sales and Event Planning working with Award winning Micro Brewery and other small companies in Gourmet Sauces. My job has given me the opportunities to talk with Famous chiefs and distinct dining experience at high end restaurants. My passion is working with people and hearing what they have to say. The best way to describe my life and moving here is something similar to the movie “Marley and Me.”

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