
New Eco-Friendly Solutions from Lošinj Shipyard

By 19 February 2018

ZAGREB, February 19, 2018 -The shipyard on the Croatian island of Lošinj and the Norwegian company Optimarin, specialised in developing systems for environmentally friendly purification of ballast water, on Monday signed an agreement whereby the dock on Lošinj has become Optimarin's base for the part of the Adriatic region.

The contract was signed at a ceremony in the seaport of Rijeka by the executives of the two companies, Anton Saganić, who is the managing director of the "Lošinjska Plovidba - Brodogradilište" company, and Tore Andersen, who represented the Norwegian company.

The dock in Lošinj will install Otimarin ballast water treatment (BWT) systems into vessels that are being overhauled in the Croatian shipyard that employs 100 workers and hires up to 50 sub-contractors.

Optimarin is focused on "continuous improvement and supplying of environmentally friendly BWT solutions for the shipping industry," the Norwegian company writes on its web site. "Optimarin has sold more than 500 of its market proven Optimarin Ballast System (OBS) and delivered more than 400," it says.
