
Owner of Egg Vending Machine Opens More Self-Service Appliances

First came the innovative, self-service egg vending machine four years ago, and the owner of the OPG behind the idea has opened another two self-service appliances filled with domestic produce.

As Marta Duic/Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the 15th of June, 2018, Zvonko Šincek, an OPG owner from Gornje Vratna near Varaždin, who became much more well-known for his egg vending machine, opened the first self-service vending machine for pasta and oil in Varaždin back in mid-May. As we have mentioned and as he says himself, the story began four years ago when he opened the very first egg vending machine.

Since he's been working for about twenty years with chickens and hens, and of course eggs, and that not all the eggs available through the egg vending machine were able to be successfully sold, the production and sale of homemade dough was the logical next step in his mind. Customers now have the homemade dough vending machines available to them in three locations.

"Everything we sell comes from our own production, we started out with domestic eggs, and then we expanded our offer onto dough which we're making ourselves from our own eggs and pumpkin oil. It's one big whole thing that we've just rounded off with these new appliances, and the first customer reactions are great,'' explained Šincek.

Šincek invested 102,000 kuna into the amenities and necessities for such a project, of which 25 percent was co-financed by Varaždin County. In addition to the eggs and dough being sold via self-service vending machines, his pumpkin oil is also sold through self-service units on three different streets in Varaždin. As he says, the appliances in question are very easy to use and the products within them are entirely natural and come without any additives.

"They can't be simpler, they're almost identical to juice and snack vending machines you see today on almost every corner. We got them from Italy and they're one of the most famous manufacturers of self-service appliances,'' revealed Šincek.

On eighteen hectares of land, they cultivate grain and corn, chicken food, and pumpkin oil.

"We've got 4000 hens, and we look after the young ourselves. For now, we're not planning to expand to other cities because we're dealing with the transportation of goods, and the markets of big cities require a larger amount. And that would imply back-breaking work from morning til night,'' concluded Šincek.


Click here for the original article by Marta Duic for Poslovni Dnevnik
