
Financial Reward for Croats Who Return and Continue Working for Tomislav Debeljak

An initiative being made alongside the government and various other institutions to go ahead with the construction of housing for employees is in the works.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the 27th of July, 2018, the Debeljak family decided to introduce internal demographic measures into companies owned by the DIV group, with the message that employers should also contribute to improving the overall demographic picture in and of the Republic of Croatia.

On the Brodosplit notice board yesterday, a statement was issued with the aim of implementing such demographic measures signed by Tomislav Debeljak, a notice which regards concrete material rights. Thus, every employee working in a company owned by DIV will be given 5,000 kuna gross for every child born, and if both parents work for DIV, that figure will double, to 10,000, Večernji list writes.

It has also been announced that employees who are pregnant and don't work permanently for the company will gain permanent contracts. The company will sponsor children who achieve outstanding results. Employees who have three or more young children will receive a special monthly raise of 200 kuna for the third child, and then for every following child. During the 18 years that follow, this amounts to about 40,000 kuna for each parent, equalling 80,000 kuna if both parents are employed by DIV. If a child is studying, that monetary help will continue regardless of the child's age, ending only when the child's academic studies do.

"When our best workers leave, they can be replaced only by foreign workers, less able than ours, and we consider it a long-term investment in a better and safer future," stated Debeljak.

Owing to Debeljek's above statment, this is just one of the measures aimed at encouraging the return of Croatian workers from abroad, each of which will be rewarded with 7,500 kuna, subject to five years employment in the DIV group.

As previously stated, alongside the Croatian Government and various other institutions, Debeljak is ready to initiate moves for the construction of housing for his employees.

During 2019, Brodosplit's kindergarten will be renovated and made suitable for the employees' children, with more becoming available at other DIV group locations should the need for them arise.
