
Osijek News: Connecting Croatia, Corridor 5c Longest Bridge Over Drava Approaching Completion

By 30 July 2015

Work on Corridor 5c continues. A progress report on an important new bridge near Osijek.

Croatia's infrastructure improvements are continuing, and TCN partner Osijek News reports on the impressive progress of a bridge project over the Drava near Osijek, which when completed will be the longest bridge in Croatia, in fact the same length as the Viaduct near Karlovac - 2485.04 m.

The bridge over the River Drava is part of the Corridor 5c on the section Beli Manastir - highway Beli Manastir - Osijek - Svilaj, and its conceptual and preliminary design has been developed by the Institut IGH Zagreb.

The bridge crosses the river east of the city of Osijek, in the municipality of Petrijevci, where the plains (inundations) widen to 3100 m near the mouth of the river, or Vučica Drava. The design has been influenced by the river bed, and by timber harvesting on the Osijek side where flood areas end up naturally high relief.

The bridge consists of 12 concrete expansion units and the main span, with the Baranja side 1,074.5 m, the Osijek side 990.5 m, and the main range is 420 m.

There are currently 120 permanent workers on the bridge, which has provided work for up to 500 people. The steel structure is 4,500 tons, there are 250,000 tons of concrete, and the armarture itself is 20,000 tons.
The bridge should be completed by April 2016.

Full the full story and many more pictures, click here.
