Downtown Split to Lastovo in 22 Minutes: The Maiden Flight

By 10 August 2015

As we reported on Total Croatia News earlier, today was an historic day for the city of Split, which received its first commercial seaplane flight since 1936, with an early morning arrival from Jelsa. Read about it here.  

This was followed by another first - the first direct flight to the island of Lastovo from downtown Split, with an unbelievable connection time of just 22 minutes. Suddenly, one of Croatia's most beautiful and traditional islands was accessible to all. But that was just part of the story... 

One had to fly over some interesting places first...

As a Hvar boy, the flight was fascinating. A great view of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Stari Grad Plain. 

And I had never realised that the inland villages were designed in such a straight line. 

The ridge of Central Hvar. To the left, northern Hvar, to the right, the fabled Plavac Mali vineyards of the sloping south side. 

And within seconds, we were over Hvar's highest peak, and looking at its southern shores. 

But not before appreciating the beauty of eastern Hvar. Long, thin, undiscovered. 

Take a peek on the other side and one can see one of the top 10 beaches in Europe - Dubovica. 

And on the way back, more than one hidden bay on Hvar's north side, near Brusje. 

How can one forget the island of Scedro, nestled quietly south of Hvar's southern shores? 

And one of the downsides of the seaplane experience - there is no time to collect one's breath. Hello Korcula! 

And then I got lost in islands. And more islands. All gorgeous. 

Too pretty.  

From whichever angle. 

And the prize of our end destination came into view.  

An island I had never visited but had heard (and was now seeing) great things about. 

Did I mention Croatia has more than 1000 islands?  

For some of course, the on-board excitement was all too much...  

A heavy police presence for this, the first flight to Lastovo. 

Some people call it Paradise.

Just 22 amazing minutes from Split. Book now.  
