
Alleged Kurdish Terrorist Arrested near Omiš

By 28 July 2016

A tourist from Germany of Kurdish origin was arrested due to a warrant issued by Interpol.

In Kostanje near Omiš, in Dalmatian hinterland, police on Wednesday arrested a 52-year-old tourist from Germany of Kurdish origin, for whom an arrest warrant has been issued by the Interpol. The suspect was taken to the investigating judge of the County Court in Split, who set bail in the amount of 50,000 euros, reported on Thursday morning sources from the police and court in Split, reports Jutarnji List on July 28, 2016.

The Turkish citizen was arrested in Kostanje where he was spending holidays with his family. He arrived in Kostanje with his family three days ago from Cologne. His arrest was carried out by special units of the police which somewhat frightened the residents of the small town in the Omiš hinterland, who are not used to seeing such a heavy police presence. According to unofficial information, the 52-year-old peacefully surrendered to the police and no weapons have been found in the house he was using.

After being interrogated, the investigating judge set a bail in the amount of 50,000 euros, but the State Attorney’s Office has filed an appeal.

The media claims that the person in question is Murat Catulay who participated in a number of terrorist attacks in different parts of Turkey in the period from 1989 to 2001. He was allegedly an activist of the terrorist organization TIKKO, the Liberation Army of the Workers and Peasants of Turkey, which is an armed wing of the Communist Party of Turkey. If he is sent to the extradition prison and eventually extradited to Turkey, he would face life imprisonment there.

He has not been in Turkey for years and he is naturally opposed to the possible extradition.
