
Hvar Dynamite - Or How to Make Friends With the Neighbours

By 5 November 2016

Tunnel leading to Hotel Podstine in Hvar blocked by unauthorised explosion?


The inhabitants of Podstine, the north-western quart of Hvar town, were somewhat surprised by the scenes on the road leading into their part of town this morning (Saturday November 5, 2016), when they found the popular tunnel Mole Garške leading to Podstine, blocked by huge rocks, the road buried, and half of one house completely gone.

According to the locals, about a week ago works appear to have started. There appears to be no information about who managed to change the designation of the parcel from a green, non-building zone to a construction plot. There were also none of the usual (and legally required) notices posted about who the owner is, who the main contractor is and so on. Then suddenly on Thursday the road leading to the tunnel was closed with no explanation.

We understand that some residents were verbally informed that they ought to leave their houses because a large overhanging rock will be removed. Again no written notices seem to have been posted.  Well, surprise, surprise, maybe someone was a bit too enthusiastic with the dynamite, or something else went wrong as you can see in the pictures. Road impassable, at least one house appears damaged beyond repair, thankfully at least it seems nobody got hurt. In addition, questions are being asked, what effect did the explosion have on the stability of the rocks on which the nearby houses are built. Podstine means "under the rocks" and in this area of town the hillsides are made of limestone rock, very steep, with the houses clinging precariously to the rockface. If the underlying structure of the rock has been weakened this could be a serious issue for many buildings.

As of the date of publication there is no official comment from the City of Hvar, there is still no information on who the investor or owner of the plot is, or what the building plans involve. Supposedly a City employee came, took one look at the mess and promptly vanished back to City Hall. There is also no trace of the company that undertook the spectacular demolition, but the rumour is they have already returned back to Varaždin.

We look forward to official statements from the City of Hvar. Meanwhile the tunnel and road into Podstine from the West remain blocked. Hotel Podstine and other businesses in the vicinity are only reachable through a very narrow path leading from Put Podstina westwards. Miraculously, if you ask Google Maps how to get to Hotel Podstine, it will give you the correct direction.
