
Zagreb Airport Helps Reluctant Flyers

By 27 January 2017

Zagreb Airport will once again organize a course for those who are afraid of flying.

People who are struggling with a fear of flying in an airplane will again have an opportunity to participate in a course which will help them learn how to enjoy flying. The course will take place at the Zagreb Aiport on 4 February, reports on January 27, 2017.

This is the only such specialized course in the region. The Zagreb Airport has joined some of the largest European cities, such as London and Berlin, where such courses have been taking place for more than 30 years.

In seven years, the course has been attended by several hundred participants, and organizers claim that their success rate is impressive 96 percent. Fear of flying is one of the most common phobias and is experienced by as much as 64 percent of women and 34 percent men. Just like other phobias, the fear of flying is a subjective experience, most often caused by the fear of loss or separation.

It is interesting that the fear often occurs later in life, even in the thirties, after a person has flown countless times. The cause of the fear may be the birth of a child or some traumatic experience during a flight, such as turbulence.

The course consists of lectures of experts from various fields, psychologists, cabin crew, pilots and meteorologists. Students learn various relaxation techniques and become familiar with the process of flight and sounds present in the aircraft, in order to detect the source of fear, which then, in most cases, disappears.

The lecture, which is presented by experts who have been specially trained in London, is followed by a flight in an aircraft. Participants have professional help during the flight and the cabin crew explains literally every noise which can be heard.

This is the last year that the participants will take off from the old terminal of the Zagreb Airport, since the new terminal is expected to be opened in March.

All information about the course can be found at
