
Filming for Robin Hood: Origins set to begin - When can you enter the Old City?

By 16 February 2017

The much awaited and highly anticipated filming for the new film Robin Hood: Origins is set to begin in Dubrovnik on the 20th of February 2017. Find out when you can and when you can't enter the Old City.

Due to the demands that come with projects of this size, special controls and temporary regulations will placed upon pedestrians and permitted vehicles coming and going within the city walls.

According to several reports, including this one from DuList, filming will take place from the 20th of February right up until the 6th of March, and the aim is for the portion of filming which is set to take place inside the Old City to go ahead with minimal obstruction and as little interference as possible. 

Monday the 20th of February is believed to be the first day of shooting, with all activities relating to it taking place at and around the eastern entrance to the Old City (Ploce gate) from 10:00 to 18:00 hours. Due to this, the area will naturally be closed to all traffic with the exception of emergency vehicles from 09:00, with some periodic leeway given to pedestrians wishing to pass through. 

Between 07:00 and 20:00 on the 21st of February, shooting will continue at Posat, followed by the 22nd and the 23rd of February at the locations of St. Dominica and the bridge at base of the Revelin fortress from 17:00 to 05:00. As with the first day of shooting on the 20th, vehicles will be prohibited from entering. On Friday the 24th of February shooting will take place in numerous locations including but not limited to Ploce gate, Ulica Sv. Dominika, the entrance to the park at Pile Gate (western entrance), and of course on Stradun. Times for the shootings are understood to be between 15:00 and 03:00. On Monday the 27th of February shooting will take place on Stradun once again between 07:00 and 19:00, other locations for filming on this date include Buza gate and Ulica kneza Hvrasa.

Stradun will be in the spotlight once again over three days: 28th of February, 1st of March and the 4th of March with shooting times from 07:00 to 19:00 hours. Pedestrians will be redirected to Ulica od Puca.

The remainder of shooting will take place at Posat on the 2nd, the 3rd and the 6th of March.

We will inform you of any further alterations or new times and locations as we learn them.
