
New Taxis Coming to Zagreb

By 8 March 2017

Number of taxi licences to increase.

For almost two years, the city authorities have not issued a single taxi licence, but soon they will announce a public competition for as many as 260 new licences. That is the number of new taxi drivers who will start driving on Zagreb streets by the end of May at the latest, after the competition is concluded, reports Večernji List on March 8, 2017.

The criteria for new licences were decided by the Taxi Licences Committee, whose chairman Mario Župan explained that the committee members will also assess each individual application. “Everything will be done in a transparent and public manner. The Committee includes members of the City Assembly, representatives of chambers of commerce, and experts who will score each application”, said Župan, adding that advantage will be given to people who have never held a taxi licence, to those who own newer vehicles, have an electric or hybrid car, and to those who will provide credit card payment option. “We have mostly kept the previously agreed parameters. That means one vehicle per 540 inhabitants and the maximum of 50 new licenses per taxi company”, said Župan.

At present, there are less than 1,300 people allowed to drive taxis in Zagreb. One of the problems for current taxi operators is the fact that some taxi drivers rent their licenses and make money by not actually working. “We believe that the moratorium has lasted for too long and that has contributed to irregularities and illegalities”, said Eko Taxi, which will apply for 70 new licenses. If they receive that many licences, which is unlikely given the 50 licence limit, they will have 150 cars, according to Ivana Šimundić from Eko Taxi.

Cammeo is another taxi company which will apply for new licences. “We plan to apply, we are just waiting for the competition to be announced”, said Vladimir Minovski, director and owner of Cammeo.

The main competitor of Eko Taxi and Cammeo will be Radio Taxi Association, which has the largest number of existing licences. “There will be applications from our members, although we believe that there is much in the city which should be solved before the competition is announced”, said Jozo Kovačević.

Permits will be issued in mid-April, and the conditions have remained roughly the same as before. In order to become a taxi driver, applicant must have a driver’s licence and a car, they must not have any debts to the city or the state, they have to pass special test for taxi drivers, as well as an exam about basic information about culture, economy, tourism, transport and other issues in Zagreb.
