
Parliament Building to Be Renovated for HRK 900,000

The renovations works will cost HRK 900,000, HRK 40,000 out of which will be used for former Speaker Željko Reiner's portrait.

The Parliament’s long break will be used for renovating the building at St. Mark's Square, reports on July 20.

The renovation works will take place during the two-month break (mid-July until mid-September), and the estimated cost is HRK 900,000.

During the first week, the furniture was removed from the main halls, to make room for the parquet floor layers, electricians, and painters to do their jobs.

The Parliament’s media service has issued an official statement saying that, after a public call for tenders, the most favourable contractors were chosen, with a price of approximately HRK 900,000.
“The building hasn’t been properly renovated in 20 years, so our medium-term objective of is to renovate it thoroughly and we are currently thinking of the feasibility and financing possibilities of such extensive and time-consuming plan,” the media service said.

The portrait hall, i.e. Ante Starčević Hall, will soon get a new addition – a portrait of Željko Reiner, Speaker of the Eighth Assembly of Parliament, i.e. the Parliament’s 10th president (December 2015 – July 2016). The portrait has been painted by painter Vlado Jakelić, who had previously painted two other speakers’ portraits: Vlatko Pavletić's and Vladimir Šeks’.

The portrait costs HRK 40,000, which is somewhat cheaper than Josip Leko’s, who was Reiner’s predecessor, and whose portrait cost HRK 43,850. Božo Petrov, who was the Speaker of the Ninth Assembly of Parliament (October 2016 – May 2017) also has a right to have his portrait painted, but the media service has said that “he has not requested it yet.”

Translation from the original at
