
Perseid Meteor Shower 2017 to Peak on August 12

By 8 August 2017

The peak of the Perseid Meteor Shower is coming in just a few days!

The Perseids, one of the most popular meteor showers of the year, will be at its peak on Saturday, August 12, which means that you can start looking for a secluded spot where you can watch the gorgeous falling stars. There are typically 80 meteors an hour, but this and past year have seen 150-200 meteors an hour.

The peak will be on August 12, but both the night before and the night after will also be great for stargazing, and occasional meteors can be seen until August 24.

The urban sky glow of the city lights and the moon, which will be three-quarters full, will make it more difficult to spot meteors, so fewer than last year will be visible, but if you’re willing to drive a bit to get away from the light pollution, find yourself a nice little piece of sky and you’ll be able to enjoy this wonderful natural phenomenon. Find out more about these meteor shower fireballs here.

Tuškanac, Maksimir, Cmrok, Zelengaj, are just some of the places in Zagreb where you can also escape the city lights, so get to planning where and whom with!
