
Food CSI: Croatian Creation Authenticity to Be Tested in Labs

By 17 August 2017

A special lab will soon be established to determine whether Croatian Creation and Croatian Quality products are authentic.

Cheese, kulen, prosciutto, chocolate, jam, wine, coffee, milk – shelves are filled with Croatian Creation and Croatian Quality trademarks.
A special lab will soon be established to determine whether Croatian oil is made from Croatian or Greek olives, RTL reports on August 16, 2017.

Andrija Štampar Teaching Institute of Public Health and the Faculty of Agriculture will use EU funds to set up a Food Safety and Quality Centre next year. Using isotopic analysis, experts will determine whether a product is really home grown and which part of the country it was produced in.

“Each region and area have their own natural barcode, i.e. a typical ratio of isotopes of characteristic elements such as oxygen, hydrogen and carbon from the organic component which point to the fact that a product was grown at a specific area,” Teaching Institute’s Assistant Director Sandra Šikić said.

The tests will affect the 80 Croatian Creation products in particular, such as traminac wine by Iločki podrumi. The area where it’s grown is what makes this wine special.

“The Croatian Creation trademark means that this additional control system will confirm that our traminac was made using an indigenous grape variety,” Ms Vera Zima, Head Oenologist at Iločki podrumi says.

The Croatian Chamber of Economy approves the above-mentioned trademarks, and they say the Centre will play a double role in the process:
“It will improve food quality, which will benefit consumers while protecting the producers from counterfeit at the same time,” Ms Martina Sokač Saraga from the Croatian Chamber of Economy says.

The final results of the application for EU funding will be published in late 2017. If the results are positive, the Centre’s construction should start in early 2018.

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