
Zagreb to Spend HRK 4 Million on Raising and Lowering Flags?

By 12 September 2017

There are around 30,000 flags in Zagreb.

After issuing a HRK 5.2 million tender for purchasing new flags in August, tportal reports on September 12, 2017, that the City has issued another tender, for companies which will be in charge of raising and lowering them on holidays and replacing them when need be.

The HRK 4 million tender states that the City intends to sign a framework agreement with three companies with the most favourable offers and those which fulfil all the requirements listed in the tender. If only one company is the most suitable, a four-year framework contract will be signed between the City and the company.

The cost statement lists three types of work: raising and lowering flags on national holidays at eight locations in the centre, on 81 flagpoles. One of the locations mentioned includes Marshal Tito Square, which no longer exists.
The second type is raising and lowering flags in special occasions (decided upon by the City), and the third type includes raising and lowering flags at the city entrances (14,600) and in Vukovarska Street (1,512) twice a year, as well as replacing worn flags, and daily inspection of every location.

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