
Zagreb Gets Its First Internet of Things (IoT) Base Station

By 9 November 2017

By setting up the first base station, the IoT NET Adria company has started the development of the national Internet of Things network.

The first base station for the IoT (Internet of Things) technology in Croatia was set up and put into operation in Zagreb. The station was produced by the Sigfox company, whose technology is based on high cost efficiency and low energy consumption since the stations are not used for phone calls and surfing the internet, but provide just a simple and direct link to connect things, reports on November 9, 2017.

The service does not use the existing telecommunications infrastructure, but is developing its own network and introduces new capabilities that will be available to everyone to use them for their solutions. The introduction of the first base station also marked the beginning of the development of the national IoT network in Croatia, which is being implemented by the IoT NET Adria company. In the next two years, it plans to establish a complete network of two hundred base stations that will cover as many as 96 percent of the population of Croatia.

Bruno Crnički, CEO of IoT NET Adria, presented the company’s plans. “The Sigfox technology and its application in Croatia will enable participation in the global IoT market. Specifically, solutions that will be developed in Croatia will be very easily applied anywhere in the world where there is a Sigfox network. Therefore, our wish is to involve as many Croatian companies as possible in this project, including startups and innovators. They will be able to offer their solutions for sensors, devices, apps and IoT tools,” said Crnički.

A particular emphasis in the introduction of IoT services was put on the capabilities that the IoT technology offers in the domain of utility services and the “smart cities” concept, and on the possibilities offered by the national standardisation of such solutions. For example, the system can include trash containers with built-in sensors which show in real time whether the container is full, after which the system independently plans the best garbage collection schedule, which ultimately results in time, resources and funds savings,” explained Crnički.

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