
Advent on Vis Island: "We Can't Come Up With a Single Idea"

By 16 November 2017

'Tis the season to be jolly! Not on the islands, though. 

December is right around the corner, and the entire country is getting ready for Advent with multiple major destinations halfway through their preparations for the Christmas fair. Having won the title of the Best European Christmas Market two years in a row, Zagreb has its eye on the prize again; Advent plans are underway in Rijeka, Split, Dubrovnik and other cities as well.

And then, there’s Vis island.

The famous satirical Facebook page ‘Di su pare?’ (Where’s the money?) published a hilarious image earlier today, November 16, 2017. The photo shows a public notice put up someplace in Vis town:


The message reads as follows:

“Public call for proposals

Tourist Board Vis and the City of Vis

Due to our incompetence, we appeal to the citizens to independently make plans regarding the upcoming holidays.

We are prepared to provide booths and deliver them to the Klapavica Square, and you can take over and organise [the fair] – do what you have to do.

Proposals with ideas (as we can’t come up with a single idea) can be turned in at the Tourist Board Vis

The City of Vis and the Tourist Board Vis wish you a pleasant and peaceful holiday season”


Even though it wouldn’t be such a strange occurrence for a certain institution to get frustrated over the lack of funding and human resources to the extent where they just give up, this does read a bit too intense to be an actual notice of the Tourist Board. Let’s check their website:

“To whom it may concern,

The City of Vis and the Tourist Board Vis are publishing a public call for proposals regarding the organisation of the programme ‘Advent on Vis 2017’ at the location of Klapavica Square.

The organisers will provide decorated booths to be used free of charge on December 2, 9, 16, and 23. In case of greater interest, the programme might be expanded to include other days.

Interested parties should contact the Tourist Board Vis before November 30, 2017 and present a plan of activities.

Vis Mayor Ivo Radica
Director of the Tourist Board Vis Ivo Fiamengo”

Ah, there we are.

Okay, so the first notice obviously wasn’t penned by an employee of the Tourist Board. Here’s a more likely scenario: a random local jokester – or a group of exasperated citizens – got fed up with headlines announcing lavish programmes in other Croatian cities, whereas their own local authorities and the tourist board failed to organise even the humblest Christmas fair on their own, instead leaving the planning in the hands of the local residents. Not only their proposed Advent programme comes down to four days in total, the tender is open until November 30 – a day when tonnes of Christmas lights will already be up and sparkling in most cities in Croatia. The nerve!

We’re so sorry, Vis residents. We hope you end up getting a decent Christmas market after all. Considering how dreary island winters can get, if someone deserves extra sparkle in their lives, it’s you. Do what you have to do!
