
Yellow Box Junctions Coming to Croatian Streets

By 5 January 2018

New traffic markings will soon be seen on the streets of Zagreb.

Yellow boxes on junctions will soon arrive to the streets of Zagreb, following the example of many international cities, which should make the traffic flow more smoothly, at least according to city officials who have submitted a proposal to the Ministry of Transport to introduce yellow box junctions in regulations, which would them enable city authorities to place them on some of the busiest intersections in Zagreb, reports Večernji List on January 5, 2018.

Junctions of Zvonimirova and Šubićeva streets, Miramarska and Vukovarska, or Vukovarska and Croatian Fraternal Union street, are just some which would hopefully benefit from the new rule. According to the city authorities, yellow boxes would have a psychological impact on the drivers, who would cease entering junctions if they see they cannot pass through them before their traffic light turns red.

“Yellow boxes will be located in the middle of junctions. If the driver sees that they will not be able to leave the box for a while, they must not enter the junction,” explained city representatives, adding that the experience in other cities has shown that such markings significantly improve the flow of traffic. Without them, traffic jams often occur when vehicles enter a junction and stay there, thereby preventing traffic flow for other vehicles.

There are already fines for those vehicles which get stuck in the middle of intersections, in the amount of 1,000 kunas, but the penalty is almost never charged. “That can hardly be sanctioned because a policeman cannot run into a junction. With the help of yellow boxes, we will be able to determine exactly who was not supposed to enter the intersection, which will be seen through the cameras and the video surveillance already installed at some traffic intersections,” explained Mate Kraljević, advisor to the Zagreb Mayor, who initiated the proposal.

By introducing yellow boxes, we do not want to punish drivers, Kraljević said, but provide for better security and increase traffic flow. The new traffic markings will not only speed up car traffic but also help the public transportation, especially trams which are often unable to pass through crowded intersections.

Translated from Večernji List.
